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Cryptome Archive 1996-Present

JUNE 2003

fac063003.txt         Latest US Enemies List                           June 30, 2003
faa063003.txt         Forbidden Secrets of Airline Quality             June 30, 2003

nrc063003.txt         Who to Call When Nuclear Waste Hits the Fan      June 30, 2003
uspto063003.txt       US Patent Office Adopts Electronic Format        June 30, 2003
nist063003.txt        NIST Offers Hiperaccess Invention                June 30, 2003
laes-reports.htm      Lawfully Authorized Electronic Surveillance Docs June 29, 2003
nsa-uk.htm            NSA Historical Crypto Documents on Britain       June 29, 2003

cia-waffle.htm        CIA Waffles on Alleged Nuclear Centrifuge        June 28, 2003
wmd-unwaffle.htm      Powell/Rumsfeld Unwaffle on WMD                  June 28, 2003
hr2417-ic.txt         House Debate on Intelligence Funding 2004        June 27, 2003
s1025.txt             Senate Bill on Intelligence Funding 2004         June 27, 2003
hr2555-dhs.txt        House Funding of Homeland Security 2004          June 27, 2003

dpbac062603.htm       War Pimps and Whores Secret Meet                 June 26, 2003
usace062603.txt       Army Engineers Declare Forbidden Port Zones      June 26, 2003
dark-privacy.htm      Americans in the Dark About Online Privacy       June 25, 2003
vernam-patent.htm     Vernam Patent                                    June 25, 2003
tsa062503.htm         TSA: 'Real Solutions' for War Against Terrorism  June 25, 2003

das-boot.htm          DasBoot: Pro Free Speech Censorware              June 24, 2003
tsa062403.txt         TSA Expands Collection of Transport Information  June 24, 2003
fema-ecd.pdf          US Gov Emergency Contact Directory               June 23, 2003
iis.pdf               Raytheon Intelligence and Information Systems    June 23, 2003
isrsba.pdf            Raytheon Intel Surveillance and Recon SBA        June 23, 2003

dos062303.txt         Gifts to Federal Employees From Foreign Sources  June 23, 2003
ibm-tia.htm           IBM Patent: Secret Control of Users' Computers   June 21, 2003
4134642-1979.htm      Patent to Prevent Optical Fiber Tapping          June 21, 2003
brook-bridge.htm      Brooklyn Bridge Hard to Topple                   June 21, 2003
aes-natsec.htm        AES to Protect National Security Information     June 20, 2003

doj-faris.htm         PATRIOT-Plied Terror Trucker Turned              June 20, 2003
safe-sorry.htm        Beware: too safe can too easily end up sorry     June 20, 2003
mdsbao.pdf            Raytheon: Missile Defense SBA Overview           June 19, 2003
war-whores.htm        Wolfowitz War Whores to Pork Whores              June 19, 2003
usa-bioweapon.htm     US Army Patent on Bioweapons Grenade             June 18, 2003

bcbp061603.htm        Challenges of Guarding US Borders                June 18, 2003
cdc061803.txt         Monkeypox Ban on Rodent Trafficking              June 18, 2003
epa061803.txt         Disposal of Residential Lead-Based Paint Waste   June 18, 2003
epa061803-2.txt       Study of WTC Airborne Pollution                  June 18, 2003
nhtsa061803.txt       Beware of LTV Highway Carnage                    June 18, 2003

sec061803.txt         SEC Rule on Accurate Financial Reporting, Wink   June 18, 2003
bis061703.txt         BIS Clarifies Encryption Exports                 June 17, 2003
cdc061703.txt         CDC Seeks Partners to Fight Bioterrorism         June 17, 2003
mda061603.txt         Airborne Laser Final EIS                         June 16, 2003
dsb061603.txt         Defense Science Board Meets                      June 16, 2003

doe061603.txt         Fusion Energy Sciences Meet                      June 16, 2003
treas061603.txt       Effects of Terrorism on Other Insurance          June 16, 2003
nsa-v-all.htm         How NSA Battled Crypto Competition               June 15, 2003
dia-iq-cw.htm         DIA Unclassified Study on Iraq CW Facilities     June 14, 2003
dixon-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing Dixon/Stockton Naval Radio Facilities June 14, 2003

dhs061303.htm         HomeSec Dept Enhances Port Security              June 13, 2003
usa-patent.htm        Spread Spectrum Image Steganography Patent       June 13, 2003
dhs061303.txt         Homeland Security Advisory Council Meet          June 13, 2003
dhs061303-2.txt       Empowering Homeland Security Cops                June 13, 2003
dol061303.txt         Benefits for Security-Axed Airline Workers       June 13, 2003

kicka-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing Lake Kickapoo Space Surveillance Sta. June 12, 2003
hostile-tsd.htm       Army Battles Hostile Technical Spying Devices    June 12, 2003
wtc060903.jpg         WTC 9 June 2003                                  June 12, 2003
skaggs-eyeball.htm    Eyeballing Naval Security Group Skaggs Island    June 11, 2003
tapac061103.txt       DoD Technology and Privacy Panel Meet            June 11, 2003

rspa061103.txt        Hazardous Materials Communication                June 11, 2003
us-boots-ru.htm       US Boots RU Assets for FissMat Controls          June 10, 2003
dia-iraq.htm          Defense Intelligence Agency on Iraq WMDs         June 10, 2003
bis061003.txt         BIS on Chem/Bio Materials Export Controls        June 10, 2003
rad061003.txt         RSPA/FEMA on Radiological Protection             June 10, 2003

nara061003.txt        National Archives on CIA, NIMA, et al            June 10, 2003
uscg061003.txt        Coast Guard on Secure Chemical Transport         June 10, 2003
osc061003.txt         Special Counsel Whistleblower Forms              June 10, 2003
tsa060903.txt         Transportation of Explosives by Rail             June 9, 2003
doj0403.txt           Homeland Justice and Prisoners at Peak           June 9, 2003

dhs060603.htm         DHS Forms National Cyber Security Division       June 9, 2003
da-notice.htm         UK D-Notice System - Defence Advisory Notices    June 8, 2003
keith-decision.htm    Keith Decision Bans Domestic Electronic Spying   June 7, 2003
qaida-17.htm          US, DE, IT Name Qaida 17                         June 7, 2003
usaid060503.htm       Life Inside North Korea Sucks                    June 7, 2003

nfl-eyeball.htm       Eyeballing National Football League Stadiums     June 6, 2003
conus-sigint.htm      Continental US SIGINT                            June 6, 2003
burma-ddsi.htm        Burma Intelligence Services Precurse PATRIOT Act June 6, 2003
bis060603.txt         Global Terrorism Export Sanctions Regulations    June 6, 2003
fac060603.txt         Global Terrorism Money Sanctions Regulations     June 6, 2003

gao060603.txt         GAO Non-Secret FOIA Records                      June 6, 2003
gsa060603.txt         GSA to Put Non-Secret Gov Contracts Online       June 6, 2003
nrc060603.txt         NRC Workshop on New Nuke Plant Construction      June 6, 2003
sp800-59.htm          Guide to IDing Info System as NatSec System      June 5, 2003
cdc060503.txt         Children and Terrorism TeleMeet                  June 5, 2003

doj060503.txt         Foreign Agent Registration Revision              June 5, 2003
terrpanel060503.txt   Terrorism Panel Meet                             June 5, 2003
homeport-rfp.htm    * Staten Island Homeport Redevelopment RFP         June 4, 2003
dod060403.htm         DoD Briefing on Intelligence Policy              June 4, 2003
cdc060403.txt         Chem/Bio/Radio/Nuke Respirator Standards         June 4, 2003

icac060403.txt        Funds for Internet Crime Against Children        June 4, 2003
nnsa060403.txt        DEIS for Nuclear Bomb Pit Facility               June 4, 2003
epa060403.txt         Transuranic Radioactive Waste to WIPP            June 4, 2003
g8-rdd.htm            G8 Plan Against Dirty Nukes                      June 4, 2003
g8-wmd.htm            G8 Plan Against WMD                              June 4, 2003

g8-ctag.htm           G8 Counterterrorism Action Group                 June 4, 2003
g8-transsec.htm       G8 Transportation Security Plan                  June 4, 2003
whca2003.pdf          White House Communications Agency 2003 (618KB)   June 3, 2003
uscg060303.htm        Security Zones at Nuclear Power Plants/NY Port   June 3, 2003
cbrn-info.htm         Chem/Bio/Radio/Nuke Materials and Effects        June 2, 2003

O f f s i t e

Hot List              Latest EU List of Terrorists /T                  June 30, 2003
MS Chaw               Microsoft Word bytes Tony Blair in the butt /R   June 30, 2003
11                    Indictment of 11 Alleged Kashmir Terrorists      June 28, 2003
X Coup                State OIG Report on Venezuela Coup /R            June 27, 2003
NTN                   How to ID Threatening Items at X-Ray Post /M     June 26, 2003

No Spy                Privoxy - Privacy Proxy /S/P                     June 26, 2003
DARPork               DARPA Programs Budget 2003 /D                    June 26, 2003
TALON                 DoD Logging Unverified Snitches /J               June 25, 2003
X NGOs                US Declares War on Rogue NGOs /D                 June 25, 2003
EZ Nukes              GAO: Nuclear Security Pisspoor                   June 25, 2003

DoD Pig               Stupefying List of DoD Pork Bloat Worldwide /D   June 24, 2003
UK Panic 3            Statewatch on UK Run Amok Bill /T                June 23, 2003
IUS                   Report: Internet Under Suveillance /J            June 23, 2003
Condor                NSA Crypto Phones Site                           June 23, 2003
DeCSS Yes             DVD-Piracy Paranoia Proves Counterproductive /D  June 22, 2003

JTTF                  Joint Terrorism Task Force Raids Area 51 /W      June 21, 2003
DoJackass             Ashcroft Doesn't Know When to Stop /D            June 19, 2003
UK Panic 2            UK Draft Civil Contingencies Bill                June 19, 2003
UK Panic              UK Treasury Plans for Financial Armageddon       June 18, 2003
DMCA Dirty            Senator Hatch Aims DIRT at Computer Users        June 18, 2003

FBI 2                 GAO: Challenges to FBI Reorganization            June 18, 2003
Hill 2                GAO: Capitol Hill Anthrax Incident               June 18, 2003
IPv6                  Transcript: DoD Implements Internet Protocol v6  June 13, 2003
NSA 4                 NSA Honors 4 Cryptologists                       June 13, 2003
NSA RFN               NSA Requests Nominations for Rowlett IA Award    June 13, 2003

IWIB                  Intelligence and the War in Bosnia 1992-1995 /C  June 11, 2003
SCE                   Secrets of Computer Espionage                    June 11, 2003
ISC2003               UK Intelligence/Security Report 2003 /G          June 11, 2003
GIS                   GAO: Challenges to Effective Data Sharing /D     June 10, 2003
DoD Booty             DoD Procurement Statistics                       June 10, 2003

DoD Losses            DoD Military Casualty Information                June 10, 2003
DoD All               Department of Defense Global Manpower 9/02       June 10, 2003
Code Hole             GCHQ's Doughnut /O                               June 10, 2003
Homeboy               Ashcroft More Dangerous Than Terror Suspects /D  June 10, 2003
EU-NATO               EU-NATO Agreement on Classified Info /T          June 9, 2003

CIA No                CIA Can't Get No Info Satisfaction /S            June 8, 2003
Mil Spy               Military Has Civilian Spy Vehicles /R            June 8, 2003
QCA                   Quantum Crypto Advances /D/J                     June 5, 2003
XX                    Ex-CIA Officer Fingers Saudis /C                 June 5, 2003
X4A                   DoJ Report on Abuse of Terror Detainees (14MB)   June 3, 2003

E Spook               Third Enron Phantom Looper Busted                June 3, 2003
Mil Sats              Problems of Military Space Operations            June 3, 2003
X1A2                  Jailing the Messenger: CIA Attacks 1A /G         June 3, 2003
X1A1                  CIA: The Consequences of Permissive Neglect /G   June 3, 2003
RPD                   Reclaim the Public Domain /L                     June 3, 2003

FTT                   Free To Travel -- FAA ID Challenge /J            June 3, 2003
TPL                   The Postanarchism Listserv /J                    June 2, 2003
Sick Sec              Homegrown Homeland Defense                       June 1, 2003
HomeSec               HomeSec and the Analysis of Foreign Intel /S     June 1, 2003

MAY 2003

bush-spam.htm         Bush and Cheney Spam                             May 31, 2003
iq-bw-plants.htm      CIA: Iraqi Mobile Bio-War Agent Plants           May 31, 2003
eo13304.txt           President's FRY Hit List                         May 30, 2003
eo13305.txt           Executive Order on Hi-Tech Advisory Panels       May 30, 2003
dod052903.txt         Pulsed Fast Neutron Analysis Cargo Inspection    May 30, 2003

wireless-hit.htm      Cryptome Wireless Intrusion                      May 28, 2003
wireless-spy.htm      US Seeks More Wireless Echelon                   May 28, 2003
sec052803.txt         SEC Bars Honest Audit Retaliation                May 28, 2003
dot052803.txt         DoT Bars Faking Driver Drug Test                 May 28, 2003
eo13303.txt           Executive Order Protecting Iraq Booty            May 27, 2003

wtc-0103.htm          WTC on 3 October 2001 and 27 May 2003            May 27, 2003
sigint-sats.htm       Boeing/DoJ Comments on SIGINT Satellites         May 27, 2003
att-spam.htm          Spammers Using ATT Webphone Relay Service        May 27, 2003
nsa052703.txt         NSA Privacy Act Rule                             May 27, 2003
dhs052703.txt         Homeland Security Semi-Annual Agenda             May 27, 2003

doj052703.txt         Justice Dept Semi-Annual Agenda                  May 27, 2003
dod052703.txt         Defense Dept Semi-Annual Agenda                  May 27, 2003
fac052703.txt         Financial Dealings in Iraq                       May 27, 2003
dod052303.txt         DoD on Acquisition Information Assurance         May 23, 2003
nsa052303.txt         NSA Revises Public Info Means and Methods        May 23, 2003

tia-others.htm        Other Total Information Spying Programs          May 22, 2003
vfp052103.htm         Volunteers for Globalism                         May 22, 2003
mca052103.htm         Millennium Challenge Fund for Globalism          May 22, 2003
ispab052203.txt       InfoSec and Privacy Board Meet                   May 22, 2003
ic-black5602.htm      Futile 1956-61 Reports on CIA Covert Actions     May 21, 2003

skelton-052103.htm    DoD Hammered on Rogue Secret Spending            May 21, 2003
doj052103.txt         Village Voice Anti-Trust Settlement              May 21, 2003
tsa052103.txt         Airline Security Fees Withdrawn                  May 21, 2003
don052103.txt         Navy Upgrades Key West Base                      May 21, 2003
noaa052103.txt        NOAA Offers Digital Nautical Charts on Net       May 21, 2003

epa052103.txt         EPA Oils Alaska Sludge Contamination             May 21, 2003
eo13302.txt           Bush Greases Energy Crony Projects               May 20, 2003
eo13301.txt           Bush Rigs Intel Oversight Board                  May 20, 2003
ferc052003.txt        Enron Protests Release of Criminal Data          May 20, 2003
dod052003.txt         DoD Prepares for Sweetheart Deals                May 20, 2003

dsb052003.txt         Defense Science Crony Secret Meets               May 20, 2003
va052003.txt          Veteran Diseases Disallowed as Agent Orange      May 20, 2003
fincen051903.txt      Sudan Hammered for Crony Capitalism              May 20, 2003
nsa051903.txt         NSA Wee Notice on Mandatory Declassification     May 20, 2003
eia051903.txt         Cancer-Causing Uranium Mining Data               May 20, 2003

venona-ru.htm         VENONA Decrypts and Russian Codebooks            May 19, 2003
za-iq-rfi.htm         Inquiry on South Africa and Iraq Relationship    May 19, 2003
fru-stakeknife.htm    British Killer Agent Stakeknife Named - Update   May 18, 2003
M84-emsd.htm          Model 84 Electro-Magnetic Spectrum Device        May 16, 2003
nrc051603.txt         Revision to Nuke Plant Safety Reports            May 16, 2003

ussc051603.txt        Sentencing for Ogling Child Sex Images           May 16, 2003
fips199.htm           FIPS Standards for InfoSec Categorization        May 16, 2003
bis051603.txt         Best Practices for Transport of Dual-Use Items   May 16, 2003
chemicals.dbf (ok)    3,646 Chemical Makers Database (1.2MB)           May 15, 2003
s994.txt              Chemical Facilities Security Act of 2003         May 15, 2003

chem-sec.pdf          Chemical Plant Security                          May 15, 2003
cyber-chem.pdf        U.S. Chemicals Sector Cyber-Security Strategy    May 15, 2003
hhs051503.txt         List of Medical/Pharma Violators and Criminals   May 15, 2003
tsa051503.txt         List of Likely Airline Violators and Criminals   May 15, 2003
nnsa051503.txt        Los Alamos Chemical Lab Study                    May 15, 2003

nrc051503.txt         Yucca Mountain Nuke Waste Meeting                May 15, 2003
whiscb051503.txt      Ex-School of the Americas Meet                   May 15, 2003
dod051403.txt         Environmental Study for Pentagon Memorial        May 14, 2003
ostp051403.txt        White House Call for High End Computing Papers   May 14, 2003
dvdcca051403.txt      DVD CCA Anti-Trust Members                       May 14, 2003

dhs051303.txt         Outing Homeland Security Greedy Vendors          May 14, 2003 
dos051303.txt         Is Real IRA Real IRA?                            May 14, 2003
nhtsa051303.htm       Why Red Light Cameras Are a Hazard               May 14, 2003
uscg051203.txt        More Security Zone at San Diego Bay              May 14, 2003
IvP-H2O.pdf           Water & the Arab-Israeli Conflict /B             May 14, 2003

mcguinness-taps.htm   Martin McGuinness Wiretap Transcripts            May 10, 2003
ic-black0001.htm      In From the Cold: Need for Reform of the CIA     May 10, 2003
ic-black5601.htm      Lost Bruce-Lovett 1956 Report on Covert Actions  May 10, 2003
ic-black4901.htm      Proposed Intelligence Reorganization 1949-1996   May 10, 2003
ic-black4701.htm      State Department Note on 1947-67 Covert Actions  May 10, 2003

ic-black4502.htm      IC Psychological and Political Warfare 1945-50   May 10, 2003
ic-black4501.htm      Rise of the Intelligence Establishment 1945-50   May 10, 2003
treas050903.txt       PATRIOT Act Financial Spying                     May 9, 2003
fincen050903.txt      PATRIOT Act Banking Spying                       May 9, 2003
sec050903.txt         PATRIOT Act Investing Spying 1                   May 9, 2003

sec050903-2.txt       PATRIOT Act Investing Spying 2                   May 9, 2003
cftc050903.txt        PATRIOT Act Commodities Futures Spying           May 9, 2003
fiber-weak.htm        Vulnerabilities of Submarine Cables              May 8, 2003
tsa050603.htm         TSA Earlicks EU on Air Passenger Privacy         May 7, 2003
fisc-members.htm      FISA Court Members Update                        May 7, 2003

nrc050703.txt         Nuclear Plant Security Requirements              May 7, 2003
nist050703.txt        National Construction Safety Teams               May 7, 2003
fisa-cloak.txt        Congress Cloaks FISA Wiretap Costs/Oversight     May 6, 2003
tia-ban.txt           Whither the Ban on Total Information Awareness?  May 6, 2003
intel-dark.htm        Unknown Intelligence Funding for FY2004          May 6, 2003

s436-fisa.txt         Domestic Surveillance Oversight Act              May 6, 2003
chev-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing the Chevron Refinery, Pascagoula, MS  May 5, 2003
tsa050503.txt         Security Threat Assessment of HazMat Drivers     May 5, 2003
rspa050503.txt        Security of HazMat Transport                     May 5, 2003
usa050503.txt         Impact Study for Chem-Bio Defense Program        May 5, 2003

hrsa050503.txt        Grants for Bioterrorism Training/Curriculum      May 5, 2003
pd043003.txt          Prez Declares Loyalty Day                        May 5, 2003
faa042203.txt         Building Banned Near Prez Crawford House Update  May 5, 2003
riaa-kill.htm         Software Bullet Is Sought to Kill Musical Piracy May 3, 2003
dod050203.htm         Briefing on Military Commission Instructions     May 3, 2003

ip-war.htm            Global Intellectual Property War                 May 2, 2003
war-future.htm        Future of War Aesthetics, Politics, Technologies May 1, 2003
terror-drop.htm       Global Anti-Terrorist Market Fell 44% in 2002    May 1, 2003
rspa050103.txt        Homeland Pipeline/Liquified Gas Hazards          May 1, 2003
usace050103.txt       Scary Nuke Material Hazards in St. Louis         May 1, 2003

va050103.txt          Doubling Pork for Veteran Cemeteries             May 1, 2003
irs043003.txt         IRS Lists Un-Americans                           May 1, 2003
atsdr042903.txt       Top 10 Hazardous Substances                      May 1, 2003
terrpanel042903.txt   WMD Terrorism Panel Meet                         May 1, 2003
fmcsa042803.txt       Motor Carriers To Terrorize Longer Hours         May 1, 2003

O f f s i t e

NIAEC                 NSA Information Assurance Education Centers      May 31, 2003

CCSS03                2003 Computer Crime and Security Survey /F       May 31, 2003
SOS                   Save Our Spooks /D                               May 30, 2003
TS                    PGP Encryption Proves Powerful /I                May 30, 2003
Hots                  NSA Polygraphs Applicant for Dirt /G             May 30, 2003
Wet                   Documents from the CIA Phoenix Program /D        May 28, 2003

1 Eye                 NRO Wants Solo Spy Sat Data /R                   May 28, 2003
Spam                  RFC for Spam Killer /G                           May 28, 2003
Yum                   War Hogs Eat Spy Kids /J                         May 28, 2003
Anon                  Anonymity Bibliography /R                        May 28, 2003
Home BW               Ft Detrick Cleanup Finds Biowar Threats /D       May 27, 2003

Stakesuit             Stakeknife Sues NI Security Minister             May 25, 2003
WTC Roots             The Most Costly Covert Action Ever               May 25, 2003
A Bomb                The Atomic Bomb, Gen. Leslie Groves (1946) /A    May 25, 2003
Home CW               Homeland Threat of 111 Chemical Plants           May 25, 2003
Ec Intel 2            Economic Intelligence, William Donovan (1948) /A May 25, 2003

Ec Intel 1            Economic Intelligence, William Donovan (1947) /A May 25, 2003
ZPL De                DE InfoSec Zoned Products List (DE, 05/03) /D    May 25, 2003
ZPL En                DE InfoSec Zoned Products List (EN, 11/02) /D    May 25, 2003
No Boo                Ridge Yawns: No Need to Panic                    May 21, 2003
Boo                   Bush Reelection Panic Raised to Orange           May 21, 2003

ComSecPriv            3-Year Study of Communications Security/Privacy  May 20, 2003
TIA Too               Dod Terrorism Information Awareness Program /W   May 20, 2003
I-Cat                 DoD Appoints Intel Cat Herder                    May 20, 2003
UK TIA                HMG Requests 1M Hits Per Year /S                 May 20, 2003
TIA Maw               Pentagon Spy System to Aim for Terrorists /D     May 20, 2003

Looters               DoD Looted $Billions for Terrorism(?)            May 20, 2003
NCF KW                Eyeballing Naval Comint Facility Florida Keys /S May 20, 2003
Nukes                 The Bomb Project                                 May 19, 2003
Dog Wag               Jessica Lynch Rescue a Hollywood Fake /R         May 17, 2003
MoD                   Ministry of Defence National Assets Registry /D  May 17, 2003

$10B & Up             WTC Redevelopment Could Cost $10 Billion /D      May 16, 2003
9-11                  National Commission Eyeing 9-11 Attack           May 15, 2003
Killer                British Agent Murderer Stakeknife Named          May 10, 2003
Civics                DoJ Chads 7,602 Aliens in Post 9/11 Interviews   May 9, 2003
Al Porn               Porn Stego Hides 9/11 Plot? /D                   May 9, 2003

Home Spy              Sharing Homeland Spying Information              May 9, 2003
TIA Fib               DoD Describes TIA as Less Invasive /D            May 7, 2003
Boot                  Vote to Impeach Bush /J                          May 7, 2003
Wincrypt              Wincrypt Encryption Utilities for Windows        May 6, 2003
Duped 2               Notra Trulock: China Dupes Again                 May 6, 2003

Friends               Rep. Waxman Asks Rumsfeld About Halliburton /N/B May 5, 2003
randomness            Randomness /B                                    May 4, 2003
EU Infosec            European Network and Information Security Agency May 3, 2003
Arms                ^ Arms and The Man                                 May 1, 2003
Top Hits              Top 100 Rules of the New American Way of War     May 1, 2003

APRIL 2003

fbi-tva.htm           FBI Wants Nuke Plant Security, TVA Enrons It     April 30, 2003
doc042903.htm         US Says Anti-Terrorism Boosts Profits            April 30, 2003
friedman-1933.htm     NSA Crypto Patent -- William Friedman 1933       April 29, 2003
friedman-1936.htm     NSA Crypto Patent -- William Friedman 1936       April 29, 2003
safford-1944.htm      NSA Crypto Patent -- Safford and Seiler 1944     April 29, 2003

nwssb-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach      April 27, 2003
nbafs-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing AF New Boston Sat Tracking Station    April 26, 2003
nmr-eyeball.htm       Eyeballing Naval Missile Range Facility          April 26, 2003
cia-foi-stasi.htm     CIA Denies Appeal for STASI Files                April 26, 2003
afscn-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing Air Force Satellite Control Network   April 26, 2003

nmic-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing Naval Maritime Intelligence Center    April 26, 2003
wtc-libeskind.jpg     WTC Proposal by Libeskind - Model                April 24, 2003
wtc042403.jpg         WTC Reconstruction 042403/062302 (1.2MB)         April 24, 2003
nnsa042403.txt        Surplus Plutonium Disposition Program            April 24, 2003
ntia042403.txt        Wireless Innovations Conference                  April 24, 2003

dsb042403.txt         Defense Science Board Secret Meets               April 24, 2003
nablc-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing Naval Amphibious Base Little Creek    April 23, 2003
nsn-eyeball.htm       Eyeballing Naval Station Norfolk                 April 23, 2003
loc042303.txt         Hearings on Copyright Circumvention              April 23, 2003
fda042303.txt         Blood Donor Safety of SARS Suspects              April 23, 2003

faa042303.txt         RFC on Better Flight Data Recording              April 23, 2003
nasa042303.txt        Astronaut Recruitment and Selection              April 23, 2003
nps042303.txt         Revised Meet on Camp David Wireless Towers       April 23, 2003
fiducia-fuck.htm      Fiducianet Violates Net Users                    April 23, 2003
faa042203-2.txt       FAA Hides Rotor Making Induced Anomaly Database  April 22, 2003

nwtrb042203.txt       Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Meet                April 22, 2003
faa042203.txt         FAA Restricts Prez Home Air Space                April 22, 2003
jdb-v-usa-ric.htm     Jim Bell Sues US for Racketeering (HTML)         April 22, 2003
pm041703.htm          Prez Hold Harmless/Indemnify Iraq Contractors    April 21, 2003
chid-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing High Hazard Dams of Chicago           April 20, 2003

nycd-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing High Hazard Dams of New York City     April 20, 2003
lad-eyeball.htm       Eyeballing High Hazard Dams of Los Angeles       April 20, 2003
sfb-eyeball.htm       Eyeballing High Hazard Dams of San Francisco     April 20, 2003
nsa-tetra.htm         NSA to intercept TETRA police networks           April 18, 2003
nrc041803.txt         Report on Abnormal Nuclear Occurrences in 2002   April 18, 2003

rspa041803.txt        Rule on HazMat Cargo Tanks                       April 18, 2003
nara041803.txt        Threats at the National Archives                 April 18, 2003
uscg041803.txt        Security Zone at Tampa Bay Facilities            April 18, 2003
bop041803.txt         Annual Cost of Federal Inmates                   April 18, 2003
stevens-3.htm         Stevens Enquiry 3 on Northern Ireland Killings   April 17, 2003

white-tiger.htm       White Tiger Drug Case Settled                    April 17, 2003
il-spies-tx.htm       Israeli Spies in Texas - Update                  April 17, 2003
dhs041603.htm         HomeSec Gets Dirty $6.7B for 2004 Election       April 17, 2003
fincen041703.txt      Naru In, Ukraine Out, of Dirty Money Race        April 17, 2003
usa041703.txt         US Army Licenses Ebola/Ricin Patents             April 17, 2003

interz0ness.ppt       Court-Banned Interz0nes Blackboard Attack        April 16, 2003
campuswide.txt        CampusWide (Blackboard) Attack                   April 16, 2003
faq-campuswide.txt    CampusWide (Blackboard) FAQ                      April 16, 2003
cisco-vile.txt        Vile Cisco Screws Worldwide Net Users            April 16, 2003
david-siter.htm       Tunnel between Camp David and Site R?            April 16, 2003

penta-sewn.jpg        The Pentagon Gets Restitched                     April 16, 2003
dmca-what.htm         DMCA Notice to ISP - What's Required?            April 16, 2003
niac041603.txt        National Infrastructure Meet                     April 16, 2003
ferc041603.txt        Withholding Hazardous Energy Information         April 16, 2003
dot041603.htm         US Radionavigation and Spectrum Plan 2003        April 16, 2003

ams041603.txt         Food Industry Toxic Tools                        April 16, 2003
dhs041503.txt         Dept HomeSec on Infrastructure Info Protection   April 15, 2003
nps041503.htm         Wireless Telecomm Facilities Near Camp David     April 15, 2003
uscg041503.htm        Coast Guard Sets Coronado Bridge Security Zone   April 15, 2003
kocher-etal.htm       DMCA-Content Protection Patent Application       April 15, 2003

dmca-kiss.htm         Crypto Software to Embrace DMCA                  April 15, 2003
nswccd-eyeball.htm    Eyeballing the Naval Surface Warfare Center      April 15, 2003
interzone-cd.htm      Interzone Threatened for Blackboard Code Hack    April 14, 2003
doe041403.txt         DoE Rethinks Counterintelligence Polygraph       April 14, 2003
treas041403.txt       Countries Boycotting Israel                      April 14, 2003

dea-eyeball.htm       Eyeballing the Drug Enforcement Administration   April 12, 2003
postwar-iq            CIA: The World After Iraq                        April 11, 2003
empire-shy.htm        Shy Imperialism of Anglobalization               April 11, 2003
suicide-us.htm        Suicide Bombers Are Just Like Us                 April 11, 2003
frs041103.txt         Counterterrorism for US Financial System         April 11, 2003

faa041103.txt         Iraq Flight Restrictions                         April 11, 2003
uscg041103.txt        Port Security -- Puget Sound/San Onofre NPP      April 11, 2003
pd041003.txt          US Prepares to Liberate Burma                    April 10, 2003
va041003.txt          Criminal Activiy at Veterans Administration      April 10, 2003
fincen041003.txt      How to Wink at Dirty Money of Iraq Annexation    April 10, 2003

hhs041003.txt         SARS Terrorism Quarantine                        April 10, 2003
tsa041003.txt         Transportation Security Meet                     April 10, 2003
cshib041003.txt       Domestic Chemical Accidental Attack              April 10, 2003
fisc-members.htm      Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Members  April 9, 2003
faa040903.txt         FAA Rule on Aircraft Cockpit Protection          April 9, 2003

iam-threat.htm        Ian "Captain Zap" Murphy Security Threat Profile April 3, 2003 (Repost)
dos040703.txt         RFP for CIA China Spies                          April 8, 2003
nist040703.txt        NIST Storage/Processor Cards Workshop            April 8, 2003
ncsc-3.htm            NCSC 3 -- TEMPEST Glossary                       April 6, 2003
Clulow.pdf            PIN Recovery Attacks                             April 5, 2003

citi-ban.htm          Banned Citibank PIN Cracking Documents - Update  April 4, 2003
fnj-threat.htm        Frank "Spyking" Jones Security Threat Profile    April 3, 2003
no-logs.htm           Defying Web Usage Log Retention - Updated        April 3, 2003
usage-logs.htm        Working Paper on Usage Log Data Management       April 2, 2003
cop-spot.htm          Spotting Illegal Police Surveillance             April 2, 2003

O f f s i t e 

Home Spies 3          Terrorist Watch Lists Should Be Consolidated     April 30, 2003
Home Spies 1          Federal Agencies Don't Share Spying Booty        April 30, 2003
Home Spies 2          Local-Federal Cops Don't Share Spying Booty      April 30, 2003
Sybase                Sybase Joins the Net Spies /D                    April 28, 2003
Spies R Us            Honey-spy Footshooters                           April 28, 2003

Design-L              Global Design Mail List Admin by John Young      April 23, 2003
DRM                   Copyright Circumvention Hearing 041103 /J        April 23, 2003
CD History            The History of Camp David Website                April 23, 2003
nsfthurmont           US Navy Camp David Website                       April 23, 2003
SARS                  Blood Donor Safety of SARS Suspects              April 23, 2003

Spy Galore            Money in Lawfully Authorized Internet Spying     April 23, 2003
ISP Oil               Cisco Slicks Global Privacy Screw /K             April 22, 2003
SPDC                  Self-Protecting Digital Content /N               April 17, 2003
FRU Friends           Whitewashing Ulster's secret war                 April 17, 2003
BB-Attack             Mirror of the Blackboard (CampusWide) Attack     April 16, 2003

BB-FAQ                Blackboard Transaction System C&D FAQ            April 16, 2003
SPT                   Sociology and Psychology of Terrorism /R         April 15, 2003
FRU Killer            Finucane Killer Brian Nelson Dies /J/D           April 14, 2003
BRK                   Defending Meatspace Against an Internet Attack   April 14, 2003
Echelon 3             NSA Names Quirk/Meals SIGINT/Codebreakers        April 11, 2003

HSHS                  HomeSec Horseshit for Jon Stewart                April 10, 2003
Fly List              No Fly List Analysis /L                          April 10, 2003
War Pigs              Patriotic Gorging on Iraq Rebuilding /R          April 9, 2003
No. 5                 DoD Electronic Spying in the US - Pre-PATRIOT    April 8, 2003
FISA                  How to Get a FISA Warrant - Pre-PATRIOT          April 8, 2003

Eye I                 Baghdad Eyeball /P                               April 8, 2003
NLN                   No Logs Network /M                               April 6, 2003
MID (2001)            Managed Information Dissemination - Psyop (35MB) April 5, 2003
FM 3-06.11 (2002)     Combined Arms Operations in Urban Terrain        April 5, 2003
MOBA (1994)           Military Operations in Built-up Areas (13MB)     April 5, 2003

TSA 911               GAO: Transportation Security Post-9/11           April 3, 2003
Anti-War Wash         Anti-War Semantic ethnic-cleansing /A            April 3, 2003
McNamara II           Sy Hersh: DoD Scapegoats Rumsfeld /D             March 31, 2003
Les Mains Sales       Baby's Blood Forever on Warlovers Hands /D       March 31, 2003
CFP 03                Computers, Freedom and Privacy NYC Meet          March 31, 2003

RU Sure               RU Spin of the Iraq War /J                       March 30, 2003
CBW Deathwish         Israel quietly playing key spy role /D           March 29, 2003
Alt War               Al Jazeera US /J                                 March 29, 2003
Vile Spies            U.S. Steps Up Secret Surveillance /D             March 24, 2003
Tech Spies            Secret Empire: A Revolution in Snooping          March 24, 2003

MARCH 2003

cu-85+.htm            Cuba Jails Over 85 Dissidents                    March 30, 2003
du-suck.htm           Sucking Depleted Uranium in Iraq                 March 30, 2003

nsa-museum.htm        NSA's National Cryptologic Museum                March 29, 2003
kill-shout.htm        Kill Shout for US/UK/ES/COW Business             March 29, 2003
eo13292.txt           Executive Order on Nat Sec Info                  March 28, 2003
gsa032803.txt         Rule on GOV Domain                               March 28, 2003
perle-apes.htm        Perle's War Profiteer Buddies                    March 27, 2003

us-blackout.htm       Censorship of US Military Dead/POWs              March 26, 2003
etl90-3.pdf           TEMPEST Protection of Facilities                 March 24, 2003
iraq-booty.htm        Handing Out Iraq Rebuild Booty                   March 23, 2003
iwah032103.txt        Info War at Home - Secret                        March 21, 2003
caw31-utc.htm         NSA CAW 3.1 Users Training Course                March 21, 2003

home-war.htm          HomeSec Operation Liberty Shield                 March 20, 2003
iwah031903.txt        Info War at Home                                 March 19, 2003
atcc-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing the American Type Culture Collection  March 16, 2003
doj-v-iperps.htm      DoJ Ghostbusts IP Perps                          March 15, 2003
eo13289.txt           Prez Orders Global War on Terrorism Medals       March 14, 2003

doa031403.txt         Protecting the Dogs of Homeland Security         March 14, 2003
net-panic.txt         Net Panopticon Panic                             March 13, 2003
rad-panic.htm         Dirty Nuclear Weapons Panic                      March 13, 2003
tapac031003.txt       DoD Sets up Total Information Assurance Panel    March 10, 2003
nsa-chart.htm         NSA Organizational Chart                         March 9, 2003

DCI-postdoc.htm       CIA Post-Doctoral Fellowship Program             March 8, 2003
bis030503.txt         Wassenaar List Revisions to Export Controls      March 5, 2003
eo13287.txt           Executive Order on Homeland Security Dept.       March 5, 2003
calea-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing the FBI CALEA Wiretap Homes           March 4, 2003
koza-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing Frank Koza and NSA                    March 2, 2003

rspa022803.txt        Hazardous Materials Doom Air Passengers          March 1, 2003
ispab022803.txt       InfoSec and Privacy Advisory Board Meet          March 1, 2003
dod-extort.htm        Wardogs Need $379.9B Piggery for Terror Fight    March 1, 2003
dod-monger.htm        Terrorism Top Drool for Wardogs in 50 Years      March 1, 2003
dsb022803.txt         Defense Science Board on Tasty Piglets           March 1, 2003

treas022803.txt       Terrorism Risk Insurance Grease                  March 1, 2003
homsec-butt.htm       U.S. Homeland Protection Lard Butt               March 1, 2003
doj022803.txt         INS HomeSec Ham                                  March 1, 2003
uscg022803.txt        Coast Guard HomeSec Sausage                      March 1, 2003
dos022803.txt         More Tiny Terrorists to Throw Big Bucks At       March 1, 2003

O f f s i t e 

Duct Tape 1           Homeland Chemical Warfare 1                      March 19, 2003
Duct Tape 2           Homeland Chemical Warfare 2                      March 19, 2003
CBIAC                 Chemical-Biological Defense Center               March 16, 2003
NTL                   Nuclear Trigger List                             March 16, 2003

MCTL                  Militarily Critical Technologies List            March 16, 2003
VX PR                 Spin of Iraq VX Nerve Agent /J                   March 16, 2003
ELF                   Eyeballing ELF Submarine Communication Sites     March 16, 2003
PC                    Practical Cryptography /B                        March 15, 2003
God Nut               Terror and Spying: Ashcroft Gone Wild /D         March 15, 2003

SSS                   Security Services Sources                        March 15, 2003
DRM (ok)              Digital Rights Management Conference /P          March 15, 2003
So Few                Ex-CIA Officers Challenge Iraq Spin /J           March 15, 2003
War Booty 4.1         War Mongerer Perle v. Warfighter Hersh /D        March 15, 2003
War Booty 4           Richard Perle, War Profiteer                     March 15, 2003 

War Booty 3           US Builders Promised War Profits                 March 14, 2003
War Booty 2           USG Bribes Oil Industry with War Booty           March 13, 2003
War Booty 1           USG Bribes Builders with War Booty /D            March 13, 2003
NSA New               New NSA Security Recommendation Guides           March 9, 2003
Super 14              Power of 14 Superpower Intelligence Agencies     March 9, 2003

Leafwar               Central Command Psyops Leaflets /D               March 9, 2003
Cheat 4               GCHQ Arrest Confirms NSA Bug Memo /C/D           March 9, 2003
Cheat 3               US Media Dodging US Spying Truth                 March 9, 2003
Cheat 2               Martin Bright Interview on NSA Bugs /M           March 8, 2003
Cheat                 NSA Bugs UN to Rig Iraq War Vote /J              March 1, 2003


cryptome-hack2.htm    Cryptome Hacked 2                                February 28, 2003

cryptome-hack.htm     Cryptome Hacked                                  February 27, 2003
dtapc.pdf             Decimalisation Table Attacks for PIN Cracking    February 21, 2003
nsa022003.txt         National Security Agency Privacy Act Program     February 20, 2003
pacc.htm              Protocol Analysis, Composability and Computation February 20, 2003
nypd-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing the NYPD Ammunition Depot             February 19, 2003

oni-wwtts.htm         Worldwide Threat to Shipping: Greenpeace et al   February 19, 2003
usoge021803.txt       Post-Gov-Job Conflict of Interest Wink Nudge     February 18, 2003
wh-breech.htm         Eyeballing the Breech of White House Security    February 17, 2003
snimtc-eyeball.htm    Eyeballing San Nicolas Isle Missile Test Center  February 16, 2003
war-reason.htm        The practical reason the U.S. is starting a war  February 16, 2003

ttic-stasi2.htm       CIA/FBI Terrorist Threat Integration Center      February 15, 2003
dc-crock.htm          Washington Admits Terrorism Warning a Crock      February 15, 2003
gilmore-v-usa-ht1     Air Travel ID Hearing 17 January 2003            February 15, 2003
nsbsd-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing Naval Submarine Base San Diego        February 14, 2003
tsa021403.txt         Banned Carry-on Devices for Air Travel           February 14, 2003

tia-bar.htm           Congress Bars TIA                                February 12, 2003
tia-cia-nyc.htm       Judge Okays NYC CIA TIA Plus                     February 12, 2003
cia-threatens.htm     CIA Threatens US Again                           February 11, 2003
hack-cow.htm          Hacktivismo/Cult of Dead Cow Export 256-bit AES  February 11, 2003
uscg021103.txt        Port of San Diego Security Zone                  February 11, 2003

dvdcca021103.txt      DVDCCA Anti-Trust Membership                     February 11, 2003
ginm021103.txt        Governors Island National Monument Proclaimed    February 11, 2003
disa-stations.htm     Location of US Military Communication Facilities February 10, 2003
dsn-phone.htm         Defense Switched Network Telephone Directory     February 9, 2003
tia-update.htm        DoD: Total Information Awareness (TIA) Update    February 8, 2003

mi6-mi6.htm           MI6 Recycles MI6 Leaks                           February 7, 2003
phsac020703.txt       Prez Homeland Spying Open Phone Meet             February 7, 2003
dsb020703.txt         Defense Science Panel Secret Meet                February 7, 2003
rspa020703.txt        Workshop on Hazardous Pipelines                  February 7, 2003
tsa020603.txt         Transporting Explosives from Canada              February 7, 2003

za-cb-wmd.htm         South Africa's Chemical and Biological WMDs      February 5, 2003
uscg020403.txt        Hawaii Port Security                             February 5, 2003
wmd-spot.htm          Finding WMDs in Iraq (and Elsewhere)             February 3, 2003
fda020303.txt         Rules for Food Security Against Bioterrorism     February 3, 2003
rspa020303.txt        Secret Hazardous Pipeline Mapping                February 3, 2003

nrc020303.txt         Clean-up of Depleted Uranium Munitions           February 3, 2003
atfe013103.txt        New Agency for Drunk Smokers' Guns and Bombs     February 3, 2003
epa013103.txt         Relocating Transuranic Waste to WIPP             February 3, 2003
ksc-eyeball.htm       Eyeballing Kennedy Space Center                  February 2, 2003
cn-grab.htm           Missile Technology Sent to China                 February 1, 2003

O f f s i t e 

RFID                  Spying on Consumers                              February 25, 2003
Pringles              War Drivers Reverse-Sigint CA Spooks /D          February 25, 2003
MacICBM               Instant Terrorist ICBMs                          February 24, 2003
STFU                  Silenced in Court /R                             February 24, 2003

Lottery               DoJ Stoned on Spy Witchcraft                     February 21, 2003
Fready                Homeland Horror Thrills                          February 19, 2003
Intel Sick            Why US Intelligence is Dysfunctional /S          February 18, 2003
SEVP         Ratting on Foreign Students              February 17, 2003
Fun Die               Indo-Pakistani Deadpool /J                       February 17, 2003

Boomers 4             Explosives Engineers                             February 15, 2003
Boomers 3             Customers of Explosives Engineers                February 15, 2003
Boomers 2             Bomb Technicians Blow Up Explosives Makers       February 15, 2003
Boomers 1             Explosives Makers                                February 15, 2003
wtcbctf               NYC CYAs Too Little/Late Building Code /D        February 15, 2003

Fear Farm             FBI/CIA Counterterrorists to Cultivate Fear      February 15, 2003
Paper Vapor           DC Admits Digital Pearl Harbor Was Vaporwar      February 15, 2003
NSTSC                 National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace           February 15, 2003
NSTPI                 National Strategy to Protect Infrastructure      February 15, 2003
MI6-MI6               UK Admits MI6 Recycled MI6 Leaks /J              February 10, 2003

NYC2012               NYC Plans for 2012 FOIA'd /T                     February 10, 2003
Home Spy 2            Draft PATRIOT Act 2 /M                           February 8, 2003
FISA Peep             FISA Appeals Court Hearing /S                    February 8, 2003
Smear                 FBI Smearing Chinese Hi-Tech Students            February 7, 2003
CGGPT                 Crypto Gardening Guide and Planting Tips /P      February 5, 2003

SCIF                  CIA DCID6/9 Physical Security of SCIFs /S        February 5, 2003
See Mail              Security of E-Mail (Except Spying by Bosses)     February 4, 2003
Spy Jobs              Jobs at NZ GCSB /J                               February 3, 2003
Tit-cry               Screams for More HomeSec Pork                    February 3, 2003
Spy IT                IT Wonk New Head of GCHQ                         February 1, 2003


bis-crypto.htm        US Foreign Policy Report on Encryption Controls  January 31, 2003
ttic-stasi.htm        Bush Pushes CIA Homeland Spying                  January 30, 2003
dnfsb013003.txt       Nuclear Weapons Laboratory Quality Control       January 30, 2003
nist013003.txt        Building Disaster Safety Teams                   January 30, 2003

rrf-eyeball.htm       Eyeballing the Ready Reserve Force               January 29, 2003
echelon-es.htm        Libertad vigilada: A Spanish Echelon             January 28, 2003
dhs012703.txt         Homeland Security Dept Issues Secrecy Rules      January 28, 2003
hhs012803.txt         Smallpox Countermeasures                         January 28, 2003
cdc012803.txt         Counter Bio-Terrorism DIY                        January 28, 2003

rspa012803.txt        Beware Homeland Hazardous Pipelines              January 28, 2003
tsa012803.txt         Pathetic Five and Dime Airline Security Bailout  January 28, 2003
dod012703.txt         USG Lowers Bar to Terrorism Pig Out              January 28, 2003
dos012703.txt         State Dept Probes Murder of USAID Official       January 28, 2003
dhs-eyeball.htm       Eyeballing the Department of Homeland Security   January 26, 2003           TWIRL: Shamir paper on fast factoring hardware   January 25, 2003
usda012103.txt        USG Needs Help with Mad Cow, Pork Pasta Threats  January 21, 2003
mi6-bombings.htm      MI6 Bombings in Saudi Arabia                     January 19, 2003
tsa011503.htm         TSA's TIA Secret Spying on Air Passengers        January 17, 2003
nrc011503.htm         NRC Winks Nuclear Weapons School Waste Plan      January 17, 2003

uscg011503.htm        Security Zone Set for Iraq War Headquarters      January 17, 2003
ntia011503.txt        Internet Voice Protocol Meet                     January 17, 2003
tsa011703.txt         Intercity Bus Security Funds                     January 17, 2003
istac011703.txt       Info Security Crypto Export Panel Meet           January 17, 2003
bis011403.txt         US Eases Wassenaar Microprocessor Exports        January 14, 2003

doj011403.txt         US Warns Northrup/TRW on Self-Dealing            January 14, 2003
nrc011303.txt         NRC Warns on Nuke Plant Danger                   January 14, 2003
usa-v-bpr-dkt.htm     USA v. Brian Patrick Regan, Accused Spy          January 13, 2003
homsec-eyeball.htm    Eyeballing the HQ of the Homeland Security Dept. January 11, 2003
asac010903.htm        Air Security Panel Secret Meet                   January 10, 2003

nrc-terror.htm        NRC: Terrorism No Threat to Nuke Power Plants    January 7, 2003
cryptome-log.htm      Cryptome Log Subpoenaed                          January 6, 2003
fda010303.htm         Bush, 1st Responders Smallpox Blood Hazardous    January 4, 2003
ins010303.txt         US: Foreign Air Passengers Must Give Up Privacy  Janaury 4, 2003
mpaa-censor.htm       MPAA Using Tech Censorship to Fight Piracy       January 4, 2003

dnws-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing Defense Nuclear Weapons School        January 3, 2003
faa010203.txt         FAA Sets Special Aircraft HIRF Protection        January 3, 2003
doe010203.txt         DOE Sets National Industrial Security Program    January 3, 2003
bio-crypto.htm        Biological Systems and Cryptography              January 1, 2003
usa-v-zm-email.htm    FBI: Moussaoui E-mail Not Recoverable            January 1, 2003

O f f s i t e 

KM                    NIST RFC on Encryption Key Management /E         January 31, 2003
SS                    Surveillance and Society /D                      January 31, 2003

NYC Stasi             Ex-CIA Pushes Homeland Spying                    January 30, 2003
Server Sec            Security of Public Web Servers                   January 30, 2003
Sick                  USG to TIA Health Data                           January 27, 2003
Bro Back              The Art of Watching Big Brother                  January 26, 2003
T&A                   TIAing Fed Featherbeds and Political No Shows    January 25, 2003

FAA                   Eyeballing Washington DC Air Traffic             January 22, 2003
Stop                  Stop Palladium and TCPA Now! /E/J                January 22, 2003
Spycatcher            How to Catch Spies Spying Your Computer          January 21, 2003
ID Free               Judge to Hear Air ID Challenge                   January 18, 2003
GPS Free              Low Cost and Portable GPS Jammer /Z              January 18, 2003

Clone                 Cryptome Research Pty Ltd                        January 18, 2003
Tap Oil               Homeland Wiretappers Grease Palms /P             January 17, 2003
GZ SOS                In Search of Democracy at Ground Zero /D         January 16, 2003
USSS                  Monster: US Spying Society                       January 16, 2003
Money Pit             Homeland Security Info Tech Funding              January 15, 2003

NT Boo                Nuclear Terrorism - How to Prevent It            January 14, 2003
Coo Nap               Solons Coo Intelligence Failures, Coup Nap /D    January 14, 2003
Xed                   xdesertman Denied CIA/NSA Open Action            January 13, 2003
Triad                 US Strategic War Ports                           January 12, 2003
Whisp                 Dead Man's Boat Designs Faked                    January 11, 2003

RDD                   Fact Sheet on Dirty Bombs                        January 7, 2003
NPP WMD1              A Nuclear Horror Story                           January 7, 2003
NPP WMD2              A Nuclear Terror Story                           January 7, 2003
MPAA Bit              Jon Johansen Acquitted in DeCSS Farce /S         January 7, 2003
NAWCWD                Eyeballing Naval Weapons Testing Facilities      January 5, 2003

Graven Icons          US Prepares to Clone Patriotic Monuments /D      January 5, 2003
TEP                   NSA TEMPEST Endorsement Program                  January 2, 2003
FR Tempest            French TEMPEST Protection Directive              January 2, 2003
RU Nukes              Russian Nuclear Weapons Museum                   January 1, 2003
US Nukes              US Atomic Museum                                 January 1, 2003